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How to ignite coke

2024-05-17 11:05:48

How to ignite coke

Coke is divided into high-temperature coke, medium-temperature coke, low-temperature coke, metallurgical coke, gas coke, etc. As long as it is not wet, spray some gasoline or kerosene on it and ignite it.

If you are grilling outdoors, use leaves, put the leaves under the charcoal, use a stick to raise the charcoal, ignite it, and add some fine and easy-to-burn charcoal while blowing the fire. If the technique is good, it will take about a few minutes.

The ignition point of coke is 440-600℃. Coke can be ignited at a temperature of 450-650℃ in the air. The ignition point refers to the process of making a substance that can undergo an exothermic reaction reach a rapid combustion state. Ignition temperature of coke.

It is easiest and quickest to ignite by pouring diesel or kerosene.

The ignition temperature (in air) is 450-650℃; the main physical properties of coke are as follows: true density is 8-95g/cm3; apparent density is 0.88-08g/cm3; porosity is 35-55%; bulk density is 400-500kg/m3.

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