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What are the coke indicators?

2024-05-17 11:07:28

What are the coke indicators?

The coke indicators include coke screening composition, coke bulk density, coke true relative density, coke apparent relative density, coke porosity, coke specific heat capacity, coke thermal conductivity, coke thermal stress, coke ignition temperature, coke thermal expansion coefficient, coke shrinkage, coke resistivity and coke permeability.

Coke is mainly used for blast furnace ironmaking and blast furnace smelting of non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead, zinc, titanium, antimony and mercury, and acts as a reducing agent, heating agent and material column skeleton. The use of coke instead of charcoal in iron-making blast furnaces laid the foundation for the large-scale development of modern blast furnaces and was a major milestone in the history of metallurgy. In order to achieve better technical and economic indicators for blast furnace operation, coke for smelting must have appropriate chemical and physical properties, including thermal properties during the smelting process. In addition to being used in large quantities for ironmaking and non-ferrous metal smelting, coke is also used in casting, chemical industry, calcium carbide and ferroalloys, and its quality requirements are different. For example, coke used in casting generally requires large particle size, low porosity, high fixed carbon and low sulfur content; coke used in chemical gasification does not have strict strength requirements, but requires good reactivity and a high ash melting point; coke used in calcium carbide production requires the fixed carbon content to be as high as possible.

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